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Uriclak® is a class I medical device manufactured in accordance with the European Regulation 2017/745, relative to medical devices and also in accordance with the ISO 13485 standard.


Uriclak® is subject to national and international patent and is a registered trademark. Any attempt to copy or imitate the product will be prosecuted, both legally (through lawsuits with international lawyers) and electronically. Internet search engines such as Google, Bing, Baidu or Yandex and web hosting servers will be requested to immediately remove all WEBSITES and advertising that infringe Uriclak®'s industrial property, patent, trademark or intellectual property. Reproduction of this website in whole or in part without authorization is prohibited. The use of the Uriclak brand, photos or videos of the product without authorization is prohibited. Dropshipping is prohibited. All rights reserved.


Uriclak® should only be sold on the official websites uriclak.com and uriclak.net and on websites and stores of pharmacies, orthopedics, health product distribution companies and other websites specialized in the sale of pharmaceutical, medical or orthopedic products that offer the adequate after-sales health care. The sale of Uriclak® on general consumption platforms such as Amazon, Ebay, Mercado Libre or other similar ones is prohibited.


URICLAK is deeply committed to complying with Spanish and European regulations for the protection of personal data and ensures the correct use and treatment of personal data of the user.

Who is responsible for the processing of your data?
Identity: URICLAK
Postal address: Paseo de Reding 43, 1º izq, Malaga SPAIN
Phone: 646088200
Email: pedidos@uriclak.com
For what purpose do we treat your personal data?
We treat the personal data you provide us with the following purposes:
1. Comply with the duty of information and obtaining required consents
by the new European regulations for the protection of personal data.

3. The sending of commercial communications of our products or services, except
that you manifest your will against by any means. In any
In this case, the authorization to treat your data for this purpose is voluntary and its refusal
it would only result in the fact that you would not receive offers
commercial of our products or services.
What data do we deal with?
Within the framework of the provision of the services offered by the entity and conditioned on the
purposes consented by you, our entity will only treat the data
strictly necessary for the correct management of the contractual relationship and / or
provision of services, and will be exclusively those that you have given us.
How long will we process your data?

The personal data that you provide us will be kept while the
current contractual / mercantile relationship, or for a period of four years from
of the last business relationship following the regulations for tax purposes.
However, our entity will continue to keep your information for the delivery of
commercial communications that we consider to be of your interest, while not requested
its deletion by the interested party.
You can always exercise the rights recognized by the current regulations by
in contact through the way that is most comfortable.
What is the legitimacy for the treatment of your data?
The legal basis for the processing of your data is the execution of the services contract
necessary to carry out the negotiation operation or this legitimation is
granted by his express consent as his own and principal interested.
To which recipients will your data be communicated?
Your data will not be communicated to any third party, except legal obligations in force. In
Any case that changes this possibility will be duly informed requesting your
consent to said assignment. We inform you that they will not be done either
international transfers.
The User is informed that, for the correct provision of the services (see,
web hosting, support, email marketing, etc.), different service providers
contracted by our entity (in charge of treatment) could have access to the
personal information necessary to perform its functions.
These services provided by third parties are necessary for the development of our
activity and, at all times, the processing of the data carried out is governed by
a contract that binds the person in charge with respect to our entity. In no case
will use the information for other purposes and will treat it in accordance with the guidelines
stipulated by our entity, according to its privacy policy and regulations
in force in terms of data protection.
Our entity in its commitment to the privacy and protection of the User's data,
choose only service providers that offer sufficient guarantees for
apply appropriate technical and organizational measures, so that the treatment is
according to the applicable legislation on data protection and guarantee the
protection of the User's rights.
What are your rights when you provide us with your data?
Anyone has the right to obtain confirmation about whether we are treating data
personal matters that concern them or not. In this regard, you have the right to request:
· Access .- The interested party shall have the right to obtain from the person responsible for the treatment
confirmation of whether or not the data concerning him is being processed, as well as
detailed information about certain aspects of the treatment that is being
· Rectification .- The interested party will have the right to obtain the rectification of the data
inaccurate personal information that concerns him or that those that were
· Deletion .- The interested party will have the right to request the deletion of their data
personal, in any case the deletion will be subject to the limits established in the standard
· Limitation of your treatment .- The interested party will have the right to request the limitation
regarding the processing of your personal data
· Opposition to treatment - In certain circumstances and for reasons
related to their particular situation, the interested parties may oppose the treatment
of your data. The entity will stop processing the data, except for legitimate reasons,
imperious, or the exercise or defense of possible claims.
· Right to the portability of your data - That is, you will be entitled to receive the data
personal issues that you have, that you have facilitated a controller, in a
structured format, commonly used and mechanical reading and to transmit them to another
responsible for the treatment.
You can exercise the aforementioned rights, by contacting the person in charge. For this, you can use
the contact information provided at the beginning of this document. If you want to obtain
additional information regarding the exercise of your rights, you can also contact the
Spanish Agency for Data Protection.
We also inform you that, if you believe it appropriate, you have the right to withdraw, in any
moment, the consent granted for a specific purpose, without this
affects the legality of the treatment, based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.

The Website uses a traffic analyzer that uses small programs called and known as "cookies" that give us certain information about the use of our Site: • We can collect information about your computer, including, if applicable, your address IP, operating system and browser type. This is statistical data on how you navigate our website. Cookies contain information that is transferred to the hard drive of your computer. • Cookies help us improve our website and provide a better and more personalized service. Specifically, they allow us to: a) Estimate numbers and patterns of use. B) Store information about your preferences and personalize our website in accordance with your individual interests. C) Speed ​​up your searches. D) Recognize you when you return to our site. • This website uses Google Analytics and Google Ads, Web services provided by Google, Inc., a Delaware company headquartered at 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View (California), CA 94043, USA ("Google"). Google Analytics and Ads uses "cookies", which are text files located on your computer, to help the website analyze the users' use of the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) will be directly transmitted and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google will use this information on our behalf for the purpose of keeping track of your use of the website, compiling reports of the activity of the website and providing other services related to the activity of the website and the use of the Internet. Google may transfer such information to third parties when required by law, or when such third parties process the information on behalf of Google. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data available to Google. You may refuse to treat data or information by refusing the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings of your browser, however, you should know that if you do, you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website . By using this website you consent to the processing of information about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes indicated above. For this purpose, it is reported that Google Inc. is considered a "safe harbor" in terms of the protection of personal data.


For example, Users can find information on the management of Cookies in the most frequently used browsers at the following addresses:

Users can also manage certain categories of trackers used in mobile apps by disabling them through the relevant device settings, such as device advertising settings for mobile devices or general tracking settings (users can open device settings and search for the appropriate option).

Data Controller and Data Controller
URICLAK, Paseo de Reding, 43. 29016 Malaga (Spain)

Owner contact email: pedidos@uriclak.com

Given the objective complexity of tracking technologies, Users are encouraged to contact the Owner in case they wish to receive additional information about the use of such technologies by this Website.

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